Sunday, October 02, 2005

You Can Never Fix It For Me

There are things you can never apprehend. The strongest men are not those who wound your skin, but those who leave a scab, that hasn't but yet to heal.

Neither his presence nor absence is of complete essence, within the wound it leaves, a rawness stings of horror.

It's always easier to smile it all away. To hide those things where they cannot be seen. It's always easier to laugh and play, than paint the face you fear.

Oh, Dear Lord Heavenly Father, please forgive me for I have sinned.

It's a battle I fight myself. A battle I can only win without you in the rink.

People say you laugh with others but cry alone. Believe this, for no other being , human, can ever apprehend your cries of sorrow. They can try, but they will never know.

Right now I can only but say I'm sorry, for not being perfect for you, for fearing perfection.

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