Monday, November 28, 2005

Brilliant Minds, Painful Hearts

I once knew this guy and we were cool. We got along and all of that good stuff. We spent massive amounts of time together and it all seemed great, even with it's skepticism and all.

It use to be great, we hung out alot, had dinner we were just together and it was like time had stopped, well great in the world of romance and all of that good stuff.

So suddenly he becomes really busy, and really set on doing his work. That's great in a way that he's so disciplined and committed to his work.

It's understandable, people get busy. And then he says to me, you know I'm enjoying being so busy. I'm like well that's good.

So I, being my skeptical self, asked him, you enjoy not seeing me? And guess what he says, he says "yes!" YES as in HE ENJOYS NOT BEING ABLE TO SEE ME!

That sounds horrible doesn't it?

When I feel like being optimistic, I'll think that he meant that he enjoys the current situation with respect to his work, business, and not having time to go out and relax is okay with him, in fact instead of dreading, complaining, and being repelled by work, he embraces it and enjoys it.

But of course when I'm feeling lonely and down, I'll think of it like it sounds - horribly.

He enjoys not being with me. Meaning he is glad that he cannot be with me, why would you be glad about something not happening unless you weren't glad when it was happening. In other words, he does NOT enjoy being with me thus enjoys not being with me.


He also said, "You know what, I'm gonna be busy whether you accept it or not. I have to concentrate on my work, and I'm not going to have time for you. I can't see you and I can't spend time with you. Money, Power and Fame are number one priority to me. Only that will truly make me happy. You cannot make me happy unless I have that."

"you cannot make me happy". I cannot make him happy.

Should I just leave you alone now?... your money and power?


  1. Leave him alone, leave him alone.

    Seriously, if he REALLY liked you, he would MAKE TIME - busy is only an excuse. He may just like you ok, but not THAT much. Don't waste your time on someone who can't give you what you want.

    I know it will be hard to let go of him, but seriously, it's what you have to do otherwise you'll go mad. Anyway, I'll be there in two weeks to keep you occupied =P

  2. ^ What she said! (I don't think I could add anything more of value)

    I wish I could be there too when you guys get together :'( but there's no way I'd be visiting M'sia anytime soon.

    But you guys could come here? :D

  3. I guess you guys are right, he's just notthat into me, and I have to live with that huh>?

    Can't wait for LA to get here, and dont say that Khdj, there's only no way if you dont want to make way. We're definitely goina see ya, very very soon!

    Muacks - ez
