Thursday, December 01, 2005


Ez Ez

I always though that as long as I wait it will come
I still believe that
But then now I am feeling a bit low
I afraid that I might not be able to bear it
People always see each other better than themselves
Is it?
Or it is just illusion
I am bored of people telling me they are busy too
But I don't think I can do anything about it
I can't say no don't go
Or I am not suppose to
At least not yEt
I too hate waiting
i used to be waiting
always waiting
thats does me nothing positive
it is just killing me softly ( a song)
But is patient a sign of maturity?
Do u think I am a baby if I nag you not to go?
I don't know
I am running out of patient too
Patient that I used to have
But I think I am running out of it
Excitement Is what I need
Is what I am searching for
If you can't give me that
I have to move on
the way that you led me to choose.

*Note: Beautifully written by the one and only Zt.

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