Monday, November 07, 2005

Apology NOT Accepted

I do NOT accept apologies. I never accept apologies.I do not forgive, I do not forget.

It is my weakness, it is my strength.

Every mistake that people make against me hurts. It will always hurt me, it will always be there, I will always remember.I will live with it for the rest of my life.

I do not believe in apologies. I have made many mistakes against people in my own life, and I know that that person has been hurt, and though sorry's were said, they will never forget what I have done, they will always remember what I have done to them. They will always remember what they allowed me to do to them. Pain will always be there to haunt them when they're not looking.

I do not apologise, and I do not accept apologies.What's done is done, it can never be undone. Sorry is never going to change how you are affected.

What we do in life, we do for a reason, there is never an excuse for doing what we chose to do. Anger, clumsiness, instantaneous reactions are never acceptable reasons for doing something. People have to learn that.

I never forget a painful experience, I learn from everything that hurts me, and pain makes me as strong as hell.

If I forget about pain, if I forget about life changing events just because they hurt, then I will never learn, and I will never be strong.

Everything that happens to us in life is a lesson induced. Everything wrong now means something right in the future, because we will no longer be susceptable.

What I can do: -

1. I can pretend to forget.
2. I can pretend that it never happened.
3. I can pretend that it no longer matters to me.
4. I can tell myself over and over again that you didn't mean it.
5. I can never mention it again.

but one thing I cannot do is to forgive you.

I dont expect anyone to forgive me, I dont expect anyone in the world to "forgive and forget". I might expect them to never mention it again, I could, possibly expect people to pretend that they were not affected by it in any way. But I will always know that deep within, burried somewhere in there, they know what I did, they know I messed up, and they can feel the pain.

Other people may feel differently about this topic, all they need is the word, "sorry". I hate to say but "sorry" means NOTHING to me.

I will feel sorry, and I will feel like I want to apologise for what I do sometimes. I might even go and say it, "I'm sorry". But let me ask you this, does it really matter anymore? Will sorry, reverse the hurt you felt? It might stop further the pain, but it will never reverse pain, it will never be able to erase the mistake.

"I'm sorry, I will never do it again". If you are sorry, you will never do it again, to anyone, anywhere, and that is apology enough.

Never apologise to me, it means nothing. Never let it happen again, and you will never be in a situation to not have to apologise.

For now and forever, you have affected me, and I know for now and forever, I have hurt many people for therest of their lives. I do not apologise, but you will never see me do it again. Ez.


  1. Apologies r not meant to reverse the hurt caused by someone nothing can reverse that, apologies r meant to show dat the the person at fault is remorseful and wishes he never did wateva he did.i agree with u its not easy to forgive also its true dat u can never forget but forgiving means moving on and not holding the grudge against the person who offended u, u dont hav 2 forget infact i think u should always remember it for future references. Like it or not we r all human and we will make mistakes in the future no matter how careful u r. ppl hurt ppl knowingly and unknowingly nobody can reverse wat they did dats y all they can do is apologise. Everybody deserves another chance as the old saying goes 'to err is human but to forgive is divine'... so plz think about it again- GEZ

  2. this is ez's friend and I think you are a fucking arsehole.

  3. yeah, i think u'r an arsehole too :)
