Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Type-I-cal Mine

I was reading about Twistedbrick's "The Type" and it finally got me thinking, in other words started me blogging again. I now realise where some of that inspiration comes from.

My type.

What is a type anyway? I never really stopped to smell the flowers on that one. Never really made a determination in that aspect. If a type means that you are setting limits to your interaction with people then I dont have one.

I was brought up to a dictionary that never contained the word dicrimination, and perhaps I realised that there are good people and bad people, and what they look like and what they have or do not have will never determine which catagory they come under.

Everyone starts out with a hundred percent, how fast that depreciates depends the flow of the interaction.
Back to types. If type refers to the characteristics in a guy that I prefer, I'd look for the ambition in a man, whether he is inspired in life, a sense of humor, and he has to smell, as twistedbrick says "devine".

Another thing I look for is the sense of security, whether that guy will be there when I need him, when I'm sad, will he be there, to hug me and be with me in silence with patience, through the pain.

People going away is one of the things I fear the most. It is one of the things that most often happens to me, so perhaps that is the strongest characteristic that I classify into my "the type".


  1. Haha I'm glad I inspire you to blog! Well, I'd like to interpret it that way anyway!

  2. Many, many years ago, even since when I was a child, I realized that men are a shallow species. In my teenage years I became sick of seeing physically unattractive guys with hot girls. I thought, why can't it be the other way around? So I think that has shaped my 'type' to be now defined by what's on the outside. My friends tell me I should go for character instead, and yes, that is also a factor for me. A similar sense of humour, goals, open mindeness...the list goes on. I would never just chase after a cute guy for that reason alone.
