Monday, July 18, 2005

Perceptions Of A One Eyed Pinecone

><A weekend is never really a weekend unless it's packed with wining, dining, sporting, dating, loving, hating, coffee-ing, tea-ing, lotsa talking and last but never the least, a dose of contageous laughter with each of the abovestated.

><In the short hours of the weekend's end, two wandering souls drasticly encountered a mass of painted characters. It was practically a marathon of social antagonism.

><A persuing businessman, reaching for the art of music. Scientist turning Lawyer. Soon accountant literally allergic to meat. Seeing crocodiles while diving.Twenty-seven year old students on the path to seduction and rape. Sixty Grand-Aunts and Uncles. ~!!Twenty-Seven Siblings!!~, and a partridge and a pear tree.

><Our Side Dishes include, an undecided hermit who's line says "Yes, right now is good, but I'm busy right now"...Confused? Exactly my thought. Blistering bare feet on cement while directing a round orange object into a hole.

><And for dessert, one Mars, two Jupiter, and a Pluto Minute ~ One Earth Day.

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