Wednesday, July 06, 2005

About Friends & Foes

><Sheish, what are friends? I've had so many people in and out of my life, I can't really decide. There are so many people that I have considered as a friend, and there are so many people in my life that are called friends but in actual fact they are not, no offence. Friends are not the people you say 'hi' to everyday, they're not the ones that you have lunch with, nor the people you go out shopping with once and awhile.

><I guess friends are the ones that you can talk to about anything, they are the ones who laugh at your jokes, yet are able to tell you that it wasn't funny. Friends are the ones that give in sometimes yet stand strong with their ideas. They are the ones who are able advise you yet allow you to make your own decision. Most importantly they will not judge you.

><They will keep your secrets, yet would do anything for your safety. They are the ones who are interested in your every thought, in your every ambition. They are the ones who entrust their lives to you. Who let you hold a piece of their lives without fear.

><Friends are the ones who'd sacrifice their last penny for your fiendish ways, who'd spend an hour extra just for you.

><But after all that has been said, the question is not who your friend is, but to whom are you a friend.

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