Wednesday, January 25, 2006

I Question Thee

When can one actually be certain that they are in a relationship? And when is a relationship binding?

Throughout my life, I have always assumed that being in a relationship, in the least, required verbal confirmation. Both parties must at one instance or the other agree to the binding agreement of being either the girlfriend or the boyfriend.
Many people realise that this is essential, for the least, confirmation of the situation.

What happens when nothing is said? There is no verbal confirmation of the current situation. What is it then? Is there a relationship, or is there not?

When does a relationship stop being friends, and start being more than friends, or when does a friendship become a relationship? Is the deciding factor - sex? or a kiss? or perhaps a feeling?

Having sex not necessarily means that a couple is in a relationship. Kissing definitely does not definitely equal to relationship. When friends kiss, does that mean that they are no longer friends, but are more than friends? When friends have sex, deos that mean that they are in a relationship? or are they still just friends?

When people have feelings for each other and tell each other and decide that they will share sex and kisses, and their good and ad times a relationship. right?

What happens when two people are crazy about each other but are both so freaked about having a relationship, and so freaked out about being in a relationship, they never make that verbal confirmation. They are in a relationship, but technically they're not because they once told each other that it would be a bad idea to be in a relationship because both were scared.

As time passes by, a relationship builds, they are both aware that they have already taken a step into something that they're gonna have a hard time getting out of, but still neither party will bring up the topic again. What is the problem?

Is this the real thing? When both parties are not able to commit, yet act as if there is a commitment, what is the real deal?

I think that there are too many unknowns and too many unsures. Both not willing to give up the independence that they have worked for, both not yet ready to give up a lifestyle to suit the other.

Just hanging, perhaps just having a fling...another one of those to go with his road to success story.

*sigh* cast to the side once too many, when will I be the one? Will I ever be better than them? The fame and fortune that mean more to you than the hearts that beat for only you?


1 comment:

  1. This blog makes a lot more sense to me now after I saw you in Malaysia and met all those characters from this blog.
