Wednesday, March 14, 2007


I read over my blog today, and started wondering why I spend my time updating it. I realised that all I ever wrote about is myself, I realised how self consumed I sound in all of my blog posts.

I have come to a conclusion that my writing and updating my blog, is somewhat theraputical. I started remembering that when I had nobody, I had words. Writing has been with me since forever. Whether I be writing sense, or nonsense. I guess this blog acts as a journal, in which I look back to the experiences that I have logged into it.

The things that I have been through, the feelings that I use to feel. Sometimes I feel embarassed when reading my own posts. Thinking to myself, OMGosh, I was so dumb, and OMGosh, I actually use to say these things, and I actually use to think that way.

I guess as time goes by, those things of the past no longer have their jist of excitement. Are no longer interesting. At times even monotonous.

Overall, I think I like my blog, I enjoy having a log of my experiences and feelings stored up somewhere, as words. Some of those feelings, I will never feel again. Most of the events I will never relive.

1 comment:

  1. i did the exact same thing. i've been blogging since 2004 and i went through some old posts and i can't believe the drama i was creating for myself or the things i was getting mad about. but at the same time it kinda documents how i've grown in the past few years which is cool to see.
