Friday, April 27, 2007

It's Me tired of my insecurities, why should one give me the sense of insecurity, when everyone strives to take them away.

It's like putting a fire to skin and telling it not to burn.

I dont know what to say, I dont know what to do. I just want to burst out crying. I just wanna scream. But I cant coz I'm the woman, and woman have men that they have to take care of.

Even if they dont know it yet.


  1. every woman is insecure about one thing or another. and this might just be a bad day, because i know some days i'm ok...and other days i feel like crap because of my insecurities. talk it out with a friend, get it off your chest...that always helps :)

  2. That's what writing is for, as my friends read my sorrow, and cry with me, where ever they may be.

    I believe that.
