Monday, May 07, 2007


Two years of developement, my project started of as a new born baby. I started work and started counting little rubber thingies by the hundreds of thousands, one by one.

Today, we achieved certification! What an exciting moment! I never thought the feeling would be so satisfying.

I cant believe that I could be responsible for a whole department, a whole process, being certified!

A month ago, my Manager called me in for a discussion. She asked me whether I would like to include my department, the baby, into the audit for certification while the other departments went through recertification.

She told me that the process that I had put in was running smoothly, and all I had to do was refine it and treat all the loose ends.

The auditor found "no deficiencies" in our department. Not even a little one. None at all!

Wow! It may sound rediculous whoever reading this, who have succeeded in many many projects. But this is a first for me. The first benchmark, my first achievement.


  1. I am very proud of you ez. All big things start from the little accomplishment we have daily. You are on the correct track. Congraculations!

  2. ~Thanks~! I couldnt have done it without the support of my loved ones. Apologies to those who had to cope with my stress induced mood swings.
