You are Woodstock!
Which Peanuts Character are You?
5008 other people got this result!
This quiz has been taken 46449 times.
11% of people had this result.
I think these quizzes are cute.
Which Muppet are you?
You are Rizzo the Rat.
You have few friends, but are loyal to those you do
have. Maybe if you didn't smell like sewage
you would have more.
Rodentia Digesta Lotta Grub
Brooklyn, USA
"Rat On A Hot Tin Roof"
"The Pest Is Yet To Come"
You got it, I'll eat it.
See "Favorite Food".
"When do we eat?"
What Muppet are you?
Harry Potter
You crave your own knight in shining armour: the
guy who will swoop in and save you, and manage
to be a sweet lover and good dad all at the
same time. You are the girl he's fighting for!
14719 other people got this result!
This quiz has been taken 112007 times.
13% of people had this result.
Who is your Harry Potter love match? (for girls)
hey I'm going to go to the gym a lot when I'm there cos I'm not going to have anything to do during the day after I've gone to all the shopping centres in the first week! can you recommend any? wanna come? i've been researching it, and fitness first sounds good. the one in melb is good. do u know if the fitness firsts in malaysia are clean? i'm not looking forward to dirty malaysian toilets and bathrooms again :P